[Limited offer has now ended] Echelon/NES Smart Meters – MEP interfaces modules and kits

Update as per 2023-03-30: We are out of PCBs and parts and are not planning to order any new ones.

The Limited offer has now finally ended. It has been running FAR longer than we expected due to high demand – we were simply not able to catch up, and when we did, we had some extra modules and kits we wanted to provide.

Anyway – everything comes to an end, and we simply don’t have the time to keep providing these kits and modules. We hope that someone else will pick up this task – and we will be happy to refer/forward any requests etc…

Remember all Hard- and Software is (and will continue to be) available on our GitHub here: https://github.com/dabblerdk

Below you’ll find the original text of this entry along with the comment section:

This is a follow up on our previous Echelon/NES Smart Meter post.

We have released all our Hard- and software on GitHub here: https://github.com/dabblerdk, so your cheapest way of getting started if you have soldering skills is to order a PCB and components – and start building your own modules.

We hope that someone will pick up the task of producing/selling kits and assembled modules, but we have decided to offer some ourselves for a limited time to get more people involved.
Note: The price is set so others will have a chance of under-bidding us, that is on purpose.

If you buy one of our modules we expect you to participate in the project in some way. It could be as simple as write your story/experience about the project (as a guest writer on www.dabbler.dk or on the OSGP Alliance GitHub site), or if you have the skills you can help develop/improve the hard- and software.

We have two options:

  1. The MEP module as a kit, all components included. The ESP32 is a 16MB version.
    You are required to have the tools and skills, to assemble the PCB, adjust the buck converter and program the ESP32.
    The PCB/components are classic through-hole-technology (THT) so you don’t need to have good SMD skills.
    But note that the ESP32 is a separate PCB with castellated holes (that is kind of like SMD).
    As the module is NOT assembled, we cannot test it or install the software. You’ll have to do that yourself.
    Price: 300 DKK including freight in Denmark (payment due before shipment (bank transfer, PayPal or Mobile Pay).

  2. An assembled MEP module. The ESP32 is a 16MB version.
    The Module is flashed and should boot into Access Point mode when mounted in the Smart Meter. You should then be able to go to the homepage of the module and configure it to use your WIFI. Here you will also be able to enter the MBK key you got from your Power Company.
    PCB and components are mostly classic through-hole-technology (THT), but the ESP32 is a board with castellated holes.
    We might also choose to provide SMD versions at the same price depending on component availability. You will be asked if SMD is OK with you before shipping.
    Before shipment we will make sure the module boots correctly in our Smart Meter, but we won’t perform a long/extensive test of the module.
    Price: 500 DKK including freight in Denmark (payment due before shipment (bank transfer, PayPal or Mobile Pay).

This is a prototype project without ANY form of warranty. Any use of this module is your risk and costs!
We cannot gurantee delivery times as we purchase most components from China to keep the cost low. Delivery times may vary from 0 to 2 months or in special cases even longer.

AS we currently have no experience with the IR solution, we will NOT be providing any hard- or software for that at this point.

Please send an e-mail to gert@dabbler.dk and graves@dabbler.dk, stating if you want a kit or an assembled module. Also state your shipment address.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

25 Replies to “[Limited offer has now ended] Echelon/NES Smart Meters – MEP interfaces modules and kits”

  1. Hi all,

    Unfortunately the demand for these modules have been far larger than expected.
    Thank you so much for your interest in getting involved!

    We are currenly out of PCBs and components, but have ordered extras – delivery time is expected to be 6-8 weeks.
    If you would like a module, please let us know ASAP so we can put you on the back order list.
    Note: You WILL get a second chance to cancel your order when we are ready to ship the module or kit to you.

    People already on the back order list HAVE been notified, and will also get the option to cancel their order when new PCBs arraives.
    If you did not hear anything from us, your module or kit is currently beeing assembled and we will reach out to you when it is ready for shipment/payment.

    Best regards,
    Gert Lynge,

  2. Hi all,

    Next shipment of components has started to arrive before we expected, but demand is again far higher than expected.

    We are currently assembling/shipping the 2nd batch of modules and kits – so if you ordered, please keep an eye on your e-mail.

    Unfortunately, we will soon be out of components again and still with several backorders. We never imagined how many would actually be interested in this!

    We have ordered more a few weeks ago, so waiting time should be a few weeks by now – we hope everyone is patient and apologize for the delay.

    Best regards,
    Gert Lynge,

  3. Hej,
    Det er et mega spændende projekt i har skubbet i gang – godt arbejde.
    Jeg kan ikke helt se løsningen for mig.
    Er det muligt at ligge et billede af et print med komponenter på GIT eller denne side?

  4. Hej Michael og tak for din interesse.
    Vi har lidt problemer med at følge med efterspørgslen, men jeg skal prøve at tage nogle gode nær-billeder når vi får lavet næste batch. I mellemtiden er der billeder her (printets fysiske udformning har ikke ændret sig meget gennem tiden – der er kun flyttet lidt rundt på og tilføjet/fjernet nogle passive komponenter):

    * De nyeste print kan ses her: https://www.dabbler.dk/index.php/2022/04/03/echelon-nes-smart-meters-dabbling-the-hardware-v1-10-and-v2-00/
    * En ældre version af hardware kan ses her: https://www.dabbler.dk/index.php/2021/10/27/echelon-nes-smart-meters-dabbling-the-hardware-v1-00/
    * …og her: https://www.dabbler.dk/index.php/2021/11/14/echelon-nes-smart-meters-dabbling-the-hardware-v1-01-v1-02-and-v1-03/
    * …og her: https://www.dabbler.dk/index.php/2022/03/13/echelon-nes-smart-meters-the-software-solution-to-a-hardware-issue/
    * Vores præsentation fra Sommerhack har også nogle billeder (ikke de grønne print – de er ikke vores) og kan findes her: https://github.com/DabblerDK/MEP-Misc

    Gert Lynge

  5. Hi Gert.
    I have the module up and running, thank you for a great product. I have been looking on the upgrade procedure on the git page. You state that the updated .bin and .wwws files should be located at a path which is a windows path. Where is the download location of the updated files?

    1. Hi Jens,
      You’ll find the latest software here:
      – bin-file: https://github.com/DabblerDK/MEP-SW-ESP32/blob/main/NES-MEP-UI/build/esp32.esp32.esp32doit-devkit-v1/NES-MEP-UI.ino.bin
      – wwws-file: https://github.com/DabblerDK/MEP-SW-ESP32/blob/main/NES-MEP-UI-SPIFFS/update.wwws

      The wwws-file is basically a merge (with some extra stuff) of the other web-files (js-, css- and html-files etc.). The script to “compile” it from them is included if you want to change anything.
      The bin-file is the source code compiled…

      Best regards,
      Gert Lynge

  6. Its alive here as well.

    1000 thanks for all the work. Not least getting the documentation released, but also providing these prototypes

    Its very much appreciated.

  7. Ser vældig spændende ud! – men jeg savner også lidt overblik især ift hvordan data præsenteres – kan man trække dem ud og vise i Home Assistant, f.eks. gennem MQTT, eller hvordan er tanken?

    Har I stadig færdigmonterede enheder til salg?

    1. Hej Erik Fleron
      Vi har ikke haft ret meget tid til at forbedre softwaren på det sidste. Så der er rigtigt meget der står på To-Do’en… Alle er naturligvis velkommen til at bidrage hvis de har bedre tid en vi har :-).

      Men for at svare på dine spørgsmål:
      Du kan se det indbyggede dashboard her (modulet driver en lille webserver til nogle sider – bl.a. dette dashboard): Dashboard

      Dashboardet autoopdaterer med noget Ajax lignende metode – dvs. den spørger en webservice om nye data.
      Den webservice kan alle naturligvis kalde for at få data – det er der bl.a. en her der udnytter til Home Assistant integration: (Guest writer) Echelon/NES Smart Meters – Home Assistant integration

      Mht. MQTT, så har jeg ikke selv et setup p.t. hvor jeg kan teste det, men “steffanlm” har lavet en implmentering af MQTT i softwaren. Den ligger p.t. kun som et Pull-Request da jeg skal være sikker på den ikke ødelægger noget for nogen, inden jeg smider den på release softwaren. Du finder den på GitHub her: Experimental MQTT extension to software

      Vi er så småt ved at lukke ned for vores tilbud – de har allerede kørt længere end forventet da mange var interesseret.
      Vi bestiller derfor ikke mere, men laver moduler af de komponenter vi har/der løbende kommer. Så er du interesseret så send os en mail, så får du et modul tilbudt når vi har samlet et – under forudsætning af at vi stadig har komponenter når du skriver :-). Jeg samler typisk nogle moduler de weekender hvor jeg har tid (det kniber jo lidt her op til Jul), men i løbet af en uge eller 2 burde jeg havde noget.

  8. Hej,

    Jeg har kikket lidt på den eksperimentelle mqtt-kode, og har fået det til at køre.
    Mine GitHub evner er nærmest ikke eksisterende, så jeg har tilladt mig at kommentere derinde, og så bare trække en zip-fil med koden derind.


    I er velkomne til at tage fat i mig, hvis I ikke kan få fat på den kode som jeg har forsøgt at dele – så kunne det være at jeg kunne sætte mig ind i en mere officiel måde at bidrage på 🙂

    Fortsat god jul

    PS! Det virker med mit print og en ESP32, men ændringen kommer ikke med nogen garantier

    1. Hej Michael S.

      Tusind tak for dit bidrag og test.

      Jeg håbe jeg snart kan opsætte en MQTT broker her så jeg kan få leget med det.

      Mht. at du blot har vedhæftet det som zip, så er det helt ok. Når bare der er noget kode man kan lege videre med.

      …og der er jo ikke meget af det her der kommer med garantier – selv hardwaren er jo prototyper :-).

      Glædelig Jul og Godt Nytår til alle.

      Gert Lynge,

  9. Hej har i flere kits eller måske bare pcb’er eller noget, ville gerne i gang men ville lige høre her hvad der måske var muligt at købe fra jer så jeg ikke også skulle vente på helt nye PCB’er (og desuden synes jeg kun at kunne finde ver. 1.10?).

    Mvh Mads

    1. Hej Mads

      Vi har stadig lidt af hvert – men det nærmer sig slutningen… Vi har fået alle komponenterne hjem nu, så der er det tilbage der er…
      Især på THT (klassiske komponenter – dvs. komponenter med ben der skal i huller på printet).
      Vi har lidt flere i SMD (0805), men det kræver jo lidt mere at lodde dem.
      Du er velkommen til at smide en e-mail hvis du vil på listen – og vi kan nok sende ret hurtigt da det hele som sagt er kommet hjem.
      PS: Når vi løber tør skal vi nok lige lave en opdateret readme med links til de rigtige komponenter på GitHub’en.

      PPS: v1.10 og v2.00 er funktionsmæssigt ens og 100% kompatible. 1.1 er blot THT (klassiske komponenter – dvs. komponenter med ben der skal i huller på printet), mens 2.0 er SMD-udgaven (surface mountede komponenter i størrelse 0805). De har samme diagram og er 100% ens funktionsmæssigt og softwaremæssigt – blot bygget på to forskellige komponent-teknologier.

      Gert Lynge

  10. Hi All
    As you might know we have extended this offer far longer than we expected because we could not keep up with the requests.

    We have now caught up with the backlog , and at the same time we have very few PCBs and components left:

    We will ship THT as long as we have PCBs and parts, but we are down to two THT kits and two THT assembled modules. We will not be making any more THT kits and modules when they are gone. THT is the classic components that is soldered in PCB holes.

    We still have a few more SMD PCBs so we can do SMD modules and kits at the same price a bit longer, but will also not order any more of those. SMD is the more modern surface mount components.

    Note: The two modules share schematics, software and functionality – it is only a matter of SMD using more modern component technology. The THT is v1.10 and the SMD is v2.00, but that is only so we can identify them from the version no. The THT came first and had a few prior versions, hence the lower version.

    Best regards
    Gert Lynge

  11. My meter has just been replaced to one without the MEP interface.

    So I’ll not need my MEP interface any more (SMD 2.0).
    Asking the samme 500DKK incl postage to Denmark as i paid for it.


  12. Hej,
    Hvis der allerede sidder et kort i ens (N1) Echelon 83331 fra 2010, det er muligvis et af de Zigbee test moduler som Energi Midt \ Develco testede. Der ligner de moduler der er afbilledet på deres hjemmeside.
    Ved i om det bare kan tages ud, eller om de stadigvæk bruges til at hente data fra vandmåler eller fjernvarme? Eller skal jeg have fat på N1, for at finde ud af det.

    1. Hej Alex
      Jeg ville nok lige kontakte mit elselskab og spørge (der hvor du køber din el), så kan de evt. kontakte N1 og spørge hvis de ikke selv ved det.
      Jeg er ikke sikker på N1 besvarer spørgsmål fra alm. forbrugere, med mindre de kommer ind via et af handelsselskaberne. Men det skal selvfølgelig ikke forhindre dig i at prøve :-).
      Gert Lynge

    2. Kunne da være sjovt om du kunne få hul igennem til det famøse zigbee modul istedet for at kassere det 🙂

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